Today Bree Noble and I are talking about how our launch is going so far, why you sometimes need a mid-launch break, social media content that ACTUALLY converts during a launch, the freedom that launching can give you, and what our bucket list items are for the...
On this episode Katie chats with Out to Launch program alum Clarence Charron about his experience in the program, and launching for the very first time. We talked about his experience overcoming huge money mindset blocks, creating an offer, and growing his sales skills...
Today Bree Noble and I are going behind the veil to give you the inside scoop on all of our FAILED launches. We share what went wrong, lessons learned, and what we would do differently next time around. Listen up to learn from the experts so you don't have...
Today Bree Noble takes over the podcast to interview Katie on her business journey. Katie tells the story of how her business has grown over the last several years, including the wins and the struggles of launching, pivoting, making money, connecting with your audience,...
On today's episode with co-host Bree Noble we're going over everything you need to know about a "pre-launch event" including what it is, why it's important, and how to go about running one! We also discuss launch freebies or opt-ins, launch "funnels,"...
On today's episode with guest Jhny Wzdm, we talk about how to use social media during the warm-up and launch phases of your launch. This includes prepping your audience for a launch, and Jhny's top tips when it comes to selling/promoting on social media....
On today's episode, Katie talks about all things LAUNCHING so you can prepare to launch your new coaching/teaching offer. Listen up to learn what a launch is, why you need one, and what you need to plan in advance (including how much time it takes) to have a...
On today's episode, Katie brings on co-host Bree Noble to help you identify what money-making offer you should add to your music business, including what each offer looks like & who it's best for! You can find out the perfect fit for you by taking the...
On today's episode, Katie shares why she cancelled the Out to Be Mastermind launch...DURING the launch. This episode is a lesson in energy, burnout, business strategy, and control - a must listen for any music entrepreneur!
On today's episode with Katie, we're answering these questions: Does “shamelessly promoting/selling” work? How can we be confident in sales without being sleazy/manipulative? Whether you are an artist, coach, or music teacher, this is a MUST LISTEN as we...
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