145: Finding joy, letting go of expectations, and manifesting money, success, and more with Katie Zaccardi

On today's episode, Katie is looking back to last year and sharing the journey she went through from then to now to find her joy and great the life she was envisioning. We dive into journal entries, stories, and lessons on how to let go of expectations, create space, and...

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137: THE FUTURE OF THE MUSIC INDUSTRY PART 4: Personal growth is everything with Katie Zaccardi

Today's episode is Part 4 of The Future of the Music Industry series. Katie talks about the importance of personal growth and how that is the key to sustainability and sanity as we enter 2022 + the new music industry. Listen up and ask yourself how you'll be...

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124: Lessons from Paris: creating space and forgiving yourself with Katie Zaccardi

On today's solo-episode with Katie, she's sharing the many lessons she's learned while spending the month in Paris including how to create more space, put yourself first, go with the flow, and forgive yourself when things go wrong. We also dive into the challenges of...

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86: The facade of fame culture, and how to find your truth with Miranda Raven

mental health mindset Nov 09, 2020

Today Katie is chatting with Mira Raven about the facade of fame culture, and how to find your truth. In this episode we go deep into topics that we often glaze over, and examine how we can challenge our current reality and beliefs to that which is true and aligned.


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83: Living with BiPolar Disorder & doing our part to support ourselves and others with Jason Schreurs

mental health Nov 09, 2020

Today Katie is chatting with Jason Schreurs about BiPolar Disorder. We're diving into Jason's experience living with BiPolar, as well as how we can support ourselves and support each other from a mental health perspective, especially in 2020.




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74: Meditation for Abundance - Calling in fans, clients, and gigs with Katie Zaccardi (music by Sophie D'Orleans)

Today's episode features a 10 minute meditation for abundance, calling in fans, clients, and gigs. The music for today's episode is by Sophie D'Orleans.


This episode is sponsored by From Stressed to Success, the only program for women in music that helps you to...

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73: Why tapping into your humanity is the #1 key to finding joy, creating from an emotionally healthy place, having supportive relationships, and growing your music career

On this episode Katie chats with humanist, artist, & creative George Tandy Jr. about creating from an emotionally healthy place, comparisonitis, creating healthy relationships and tapping into our humanity to be better artists.




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72: FROM HUSTLE TO WHOLE: Why you must have downtime in order to grow your career

mental health wellness Nov 09, 2020

In this episode Katie is sharing how we can move into this new paradigm of the music industry and why we MUST have downtime in order to grow your artist career. She's breaking down the idea of feeling guilty for not working, the belief that it's "hard to make it as an...

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71: How Music Therapy heals, and when it might be a good fit for you with Hayley Francis Cann

mental health wellness Nov 09, 2020

This week Katie is chatting with music therapist Hayley Francis Cann about all things music therapy! Learn about what music therapy is, how it can heal, and if it is a right fit for you.




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65: ALIVE: Moving forward from trauma & depression & embracing positivity with Anna Beatriz

In Part 4 of our Mental Health Awareness Month Series, Katie interviews Brazilian artist Anna Beatriz about her journey with trauma, anxiety, and depression, and how she was able to move forward from difficult life circumstances with positivity & strength.



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