What's your Artist Brand DNA?


Your BRAND as a musician is so much more than your genre, or the color palette you whipped up one day.

It’s a reflection of who you are, and why your audience loves you. Knowing your brand makes it easier to show up authentically online and create content with confidence.

Are you ready to get clear on what your brand is, once and for all?

Take the Artist Brand DNA Assessment now to discover your brand archetype.  


So someone asked you:

“Hey, what’s your brand?"


Your mind goes blank, and you spit out the genre of music you play hoping that’s enough.

The thing is, your brand goes far beyond your genre. It even goes beyond your music!

We’re in the age of the personal brand, meaning that people want to know who YOU are. You, my friend, bring the magic to grow a fanbase just by being you.

But I know that taking the multifacetedness of you and trying to mold it into a clear brand can feel…overwhelming. 

Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered. Let's figure out what your REAL brand is. What your mission is as a musician. What your purpose is. And how you connect with your audience of ideal fans.

The Artist Brand DNA Assessment will help you get clear on your brand vision and social impact that you make as a musician.


Imagine what it would be like if…


  • Being on social media became as easy as being on stage and your audience connected with you in the same way.

  • You got some balance back in your life both personally and professionally and no longer felt overwhelmed.

  • Being your true authentic self on social media meant consistent audience growth & engagement.

  • You finally felt confident in your brand as an artist and could easily communicate who and what you stand for.


Hey, I'm Katie!

I'm a musician turned music career coach, and I've helped hundreds of musicians and music entrepreneurs grow their brands, businesses & bank accounts using social media.

3 years ago I quit my job in music publishing because I wanted to help women in music grow their careers without burning out. What started as a focus on wellness coaching became a booming biz that takes a holistic approach to music career growth.

That approach involves pairing aligned strategies with mindset + personal development support to cultivate a business & social media plan that works for YOU. 

And the first step? Figuring out your personal brand, so you can clarify what you want to say, how you want to say it, and who you want to say it to.

It’s time to get your message, and your music, heard.