Are you someone who's been thinking of starting a Patreon for a while, but keeps putting it off...
Or maybe you launched a Patreon already but it flopped.
You know you need a stream of income to fund your music career outside of just gigs & streaming. You want an online stream of revenue for your music, and Patreon is calling your name.
I have helped tons of musicians, music teachers, and music coaches grow their careers & their bank accounts while ditching overwhelm, self-doubt, and burnout for good, using the strategies in this program.
I’ve personally used these SAME strategies to grow my own business as a music career coach & nearly triple my corporate salary working full-time in music publishing.
BUT it wasn’t always this way..
Before I started my businesses I was a burnt-out musician who wanted more money & freedom.
I dipped my toes in the online space with a business accelerator course, and haven't left since.
After starting my biz as a wellness coach, I quickly realized that musicians were plagued with and endless supply of BAD sales, promotional, and launch advice that left them exhausted and discouraged, coming to me for support to recover.
I knew something had to change.
So I made it my mission to adapt the advanced launch strategies I had learned & been using, to work in the music world. From online music teaching to Patreons I created a holistic approach using strategy and mindset to help my clients achieve their goals & make more money.
And since then, I've helped clients double their audience sizes, convert their followers to paid fans with confidence, hit their recurring income goals, and do it all without feeling alone & burnt out.
If you resonated with anything on this page, chances are you're a good fit. I won't let anyone in who isn't a perfect fit, so apply now so we can chat & see if this is the right program for you. However, simply put, this is for you if you are a musician looking to launch your new Patreon, or re-launch your current Patreon, in a way that attracts your ideal community and brings in consistent, recurring income.
Congrats! If you're brand spanking new and don't have any music recorded or released, or a fanbase, then I highly recommend working on accomplishing that before launching a Patreon. Instead, I recommend you get started here:
While you do need to have a fanbase, you don't need to have a huge one! We will strategically build and price your Patreon offer based on your launch goals & audience size. And, during the program, we'll focus intently on growing your audience and attracting your super fans.
This program is a 5 month long group coaching program. You get access to a course portal with training videos, as well as weekly live group trainings with Katie & guest speakers, and a slack channel to ask questions daily. While there are no 1:1 (private) calls with Katie, because of the small group nature of this program, you will get time to ask questions & be coached on each call and further within the slack channel.
The program is 5 months long. We start September and you launch in January!
Due to the live nature of this program, we do not currently offer refunds. When you commit, you commit knowing you're going to give it your all for the next 5 months for a total launch transformation. This is why our application process is so thorough - so we know everyone who joins is ready & willing to be here.
Click here to schedule your candidate call with Katie, where you'll talk further and make sure it's a good fit. Once you're invited to officially join the program, you'll get immediate access to the slack channel :)
50% Complete
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