Want to make more money as a musician, be able to plan for big recording projects or tours, and make sure money isn't leaking out without you knowing?


The Musicians Make More Money Budget Tracker & Planner is for YOU!



The Musician's Make More Money Tracker & Planner is your ultimate guide to confidence & clarity around your finances as a musician. This digital planner is crafted so you can plug leaks in your spending, set financial goals, and overall make the most of your money (and make more of it!). 




  • A Monthly Income Projector to make it super easy to track your income each month.
  • A Personal & Music Monthly Expense Planner so you can plug leaks & be excited about what you're spending your money on instead of confused & bummed.
  • A Money Goal Setting & Debt Eliminator Exercise so you can start to ditch your debt and increase your net worth!
  • Q1, Q2, Q3, & Q4, Projection Planner that gets you amped up for all the projects you are working on & brainstorming more streams of income.
  • Music Project Planning Tool to help you plan & budget for big releases so you don't go into stress & debt trying to make it happen
  • Merch Inventory & Sales Tracking to keep track of how much merch you're selling & where - so you can sell strategically and make more money.



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The full bundle 
+ a 30 min 1:1 call with Katie to get instant feedback and support on how you can make more money
I am a freaking VIP!
When I was a senior at NYU studying Music Business, I remember hearing that a recent grad had landed a job and was making a whopping (sarcasm) $25K per year.

 $25K?? in New York?! 

 I was shocked & appalled. 

 "That won't be me, that's just bullshit"

But soon after, the story that "there's no money in the music industry" followed me around. I saw proof everywhere I looked.

After a while of a shitty salary & busting my ass to cover my costs as a musician, I decided enough was enough. It was time to take control of my finances.

Flash forward to owning my own business where I help artists create a sustainable music career.

The biggest stressor & obstacle my clients have?


And thus the Musician's Make More Money Tracker & Planner was born.

This is the exact tool I use for myself & developed for my clients to be able to overcome the money struggle & start to go from a broke musician, to one who is in control of her finances.

And now, it can be yours :)


"I have been a client of Katie's for about a year, and she has given me many useful and super helpful tools (I highly recommend her as a one on one coach!). One of my favorite tools is the MMMM Planner and Tracker. It literally helped me make the final leap into working for myself full time! I was able to see what income was needed from my business to maintain my monthly bills, where I was wasting money, and where I was able to bring in more income. I started to pay down debts and create more savings, and it was clear when I could confidently quit my corporate job. I used this tool for my business, and then started using it for my household too--now my wife is able to decrease her work hours as well!"


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